Clyde Hill Budget Petition

The City of Clyde Hill WA is working through a long-standing budget problem.Based on the experience residents have had giving feedback at several council meetings, starting from the incendiary meeting on Oct 7th through to the council meeting on the 14th, I drafted a petition to the city council. Below is the final version that reflects feedback from several other residents.Please review the text below and let me know if you’d like to sign it too. For a printer-friendly PDF of the petition, click here.The goal is to submit this at the next council meeting related to the budget. We are waiting to hear the date of that meeting. It is between today and December 10.Thank you!
Carl Picciotto
Petition:We, the undersigned, all residents of Clyde Hill, ask the City Council to enact a balanced 2025 budget, where total expenses are strictly capped to recurring revenue sources.Monitoring Council proceedings since the October 7 public hearing on the budget, we have not seen a willingness to identify expense reduction options to rein-in 2025 expenses without the forcing function that comes from the requirements of a balanced budget.We are eager to see a rapid, efficient, schedule-driven process that puts the Mayor, City Administrator, and Council together in lockstep to advance the hard choices needed to close the budget gap for 2025. We need to see all options considered.